What does our logo mean?

Our logo is represented by a graphic sign, as a result of a creative-investigative work regulated by the graphic design laws. The logo includes the abbreviation UGI and the acronym ULA, both under the image of an umbrella that typifies the mission and vision of the unit in a simple way.

The umbrella, a manual utensil, is used as protection from the sun, the rain and the wind. It is designed from a capital C and inside a circumference which allows to visually inform through the © sign that the Unit is linked to the protection of Copyright, author's right or Intellectual Property protection.

Therefore the logo created by the already mentioned abbreviations bound together by the image of an umbrella built over the © create a harmonic, functional and distinctive whole accurate for the aims of the Unit.



Source:Sueangélica González "UGI ULA Manual de uso para imagen corporativa elementos básicos".

UGI ULA main projects

UGI ULA is currently working on the following projects:

ULA trademark

The Project ULA Trademark aims to work as an “umbrella” under which all the products and services generated in the Universidad de Los Andes are protected (identified and located).

Control and Prevention of Plagiarism

The word “plagium”, “plagiator” derives from the greek “plagios” that means fraud and it is applied to those who commit intellectual robbery or infringement through illegal mechanisms. The Merriam-Webster dictionary defines plagiarism as “the act of using another person's words or ideas without giving credit to that person“.

UGI ULA aims to make an institutional proposal of prevention and control of plagiarism that affects the academic and research part of the Universidad de Los Andes.

The Unit has been checking technologic tools that may support students, teachers, tutors, dissertation students, judges and researchers in general, for the prevention and control of plagiarism. The following browsers allow identifying the originality of products by the comparison of documents or texts found in the web:

As an extra tool, we share with researchers one of the ways to begin an investigation through the browsers that lead to the antecedents:

We also offer the researchers a tool for the analysis of patentability of the products obtained from a research through the following links:

  • European Patent Office (EPO)
  • Spanish Patent and Trademark Office (SPTO)
  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
  • United States Patent and Trademark Office (UPSTO)

If you feel interested in knowing how many times a research has been quoted, you can go to the next database:

Another of the UGI ULA projects currently in process is the Intangible Patrimony Inventory of the Universidad de Los Andes, which aims to keep a record of the intangible patrimony generated in the university. This is an innovative project never developed in the university before.


The Universidad de Los Andes, researching and author rights. Mrs Uzcategui opinion

Astrid Uzcategui, teacher in the Universidad de Los Andes, is also the Head of UGI ULA. For her, “researching is a complex process that requires diverse professional assistance in order to cover different stages: On the one hand the search of funding, the creation of the programs, projects and activities of the investigation and the terms and modalities of the funding contracts; on the other hand the correlation participants-researchers, rights and responsibilities of each parties and the protection of intellectual rights and commercialization of the product”.

Mrs Uzcategui also highlights that the Universidad de Los Andes is an institution with an established prestige regarding intellectual rights, with a famous national and international postgraduate on Human Resources; therefore she considers it is incomprehensible that the university does not offer professional legal advice to its researchers so far.

According to Mrs Uzcategui, one of the purposes of the Universidad de Los Andes when creating UGI ULA is to increase the possibilities of obtaining success regarding researches in the scientific, technological and humanistic fields, within the researching centers of the university. Furthermore, for her, the university should provide the information and the support that researchers require concerning the alternatives of contracts with enterprises or directly with the Estate. The university also should offer support to the modalities of these agreements, subscription to cooperation agreements with other national universities or abroad, as well as the evaluation of the funding from external resources and the renovation of direct contacts with the enterprises that still offer resources for developing researches.

“We work with scientific and humanistic research in the university. There is a cultural national heritage that the Universidad de Los Andes has contributed to highlight and it will be a researchers´task to increase this heritage; therefore the duty of the office will be to support the university in order to ease this task, without invading any of the competences of the academic and administrative bodies of the university”.