What does our logo mean?

Our logo is represented by a graphic sign, as a result of a creative-investigative work regulated by the graphic design laws. The logo includes the abbreviation UGI and the acronym ULA, both under the image of an umbrella that typifies the mission and vision of the unit in a simple way.

The umbrella, a manual utensil, is used as protection from the sun, the rain and the wind. It is designed from a capital C and inside a circumference which allows to visually inform through the © sign that the Unit is linked to the protection of Copyright, author's right or Intellectual Property protection.

Therefore the logo created by the already mentioned abbreviations bound together by the image of an umbrella built over the © create a harmonic, functional and distinctive whole accurate for the aims of the Unit.



Source:Sueangélica González "UGI ULA Manual de uso para imagen corporativa elementos básicos".